course content to lead you through a self-paced revolution in your body, mind, and/or soul as it relates to EmbodyKind.

The first course, EmbodyKind: Volume 1, will be a complement to the book in that it will provide tools to help you establish a foundation for future courses by:

  • defining EmbodyKind, and
  • identifying your authentic self.

You can look forward to the content of some future courses including:

  • enhancing self-image, 
  • establishing trust in relationships,
  • increasing commitment to and satisfaction at work, and
  • creating welcoming and safe communities, including in our schools through
  • bullying prevention and restorative practices.

Stay tuned on this page or send me a message to be added to my list of those who want to be notified when the first course goes live!

Let's work together . . .